Engage Employees | Critical Messaging


Employees Ignoring Critical Messages from HQ


Create Innovative Communications that Stick

As attention spans are getting shorter... it’s a challenge for every organization to deliver important information or training to employees in the field. How many mission critical messages are ignored? Watch This Video Example!

CommCore’s solution: Short and engaging whiteboard animation videos targeted to your audience and customized with your messages.

Engage your employees with images like this one from a recent animation project designed to create employee awareness of potential crisis activities
Long and boring “check the box” PowerPoint-based presentations are no longer effective. It may fulfill a training requirement but does not address the actual need

Case Study

Challenge: Worldwide retail company with employees in thousands of locations. The company required a fresh approach to replace dated PowerPoint-based crisis awareness training.

Solution: CommCore produced a series of short and entertaining whiteboard animation videos customized for the company and targeted to the majority Gen Z audience.

The Results:

  • Enhanced protection of corporate reputation
  • Better retention of the critical messages
  • Increased awareness of negative social media

* Images from whiteboard animation videos

More Information

Contact Yes& CommCore at info@yesandcommcore.com or call 202-659-4177.