CommCore Blog and News

Welcome Our Summer Intern, Sabin!

CommCore welcomes Sabin Laskoski as our summer intern. Sabin is an undergraduate student at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, studying Media and Journalism with a focus in Public Relations. 

Three words I would use to describe myself

Friendly, outgoing and attentive

Why intern at CommCore…

I chose CommCore Consulting because of their media training expertise as well as the vast client list was very impressive to me.

What are you most passionate about?

Whenever I have down-time I love writing poetry. Whether it is a certain topic, or just ideas that I think about, I love getting my expressions onto paper! I also really enjoy weight training, as I try to fit time in each day to train because I believe that exercise is incredibly important in maintaining good physical and mental health!

What is your favorite social media channel?

I really like Twitter. It gives such a wide variety of topics to read about, news to gather, people to meet, and interesting hashtags to follow up on. Twitter always has snippets of news articles whenever you search for them and can provide a summary of what they are about before you view. This is a great feature for me, since scrolling through Twitter can be overwhelming with so many news stories and being able to filter through them keeps my brain from spinning. I also really enjoy the fun side of Twitter. Whenever a funny moment on TV happens, Twitter is always first to have hilarious commentaries on the topics!

What do you hope to get involved with at CommCore?

Being able to conduct research on different clients, as well as helping to develop strategies to reach key target audiences is something that I really hope I get to work on while interning at CommCore! Research is such an important part of media training with clients, and I hope to participate in as many calls with clients and have the opportunity to share my knowledge gained through my experience at CommCore.


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