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The Yes& CommCore Observer: Crisis Lessons for All Communicators- Planning for New Campus Disruptions

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

While history may not repeat itself, at the very least it often rhymes. We all remember the turbulence of the last academic year. The fallout included multiple resignations of university leaders, arrests and a huge drop in alumni giving.The rhyme could be renewed protests this fall semester. NPRAxios and Inside Higher Ed are among the publications getting ahead of the news.

What should communicators advise college leaders to say and write in anticipation of activity? There are five key broad points that need to be localized to the unique situation and location of the school.

  1.  Acknowledge that the situation in Gaza is still deeply concerning to many in the university community. Recognize that many students, faculty and administration may have a personal connection to the region.
  2. Reaffirm a commitment to safety. Be clear that disruptions which prevent access or threaten students and staff will never be tolerated. Be clear when and where protests can occur and how.
  3. Address disruptions. Whether in the classroom or at university facilities or events, prepare for how the school will respond and then adjust as conditions change.
  4. Promote respect and inclusion. Establish parameters on hate speech, harassment and violence. Encourage community members to report unacceptable behavior.
  5. Keep up clear communications. Be fast sharing important information.

In addition, each university should hold drills so leaders will know how to respond when media or smart-phone wielding protestors show up and “ambush” a university leader. The right sound bite can balance the reporting; a mistake could inflame the situation.

What may happen this year on college campuses is a reminder that all organizations need to be crisis-ready to best protect their reputation.

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