CommCore Blog and News

Posts Tagged: media training

Catch the Spirit…

If a tree falls in the forest do you hear it?  You do if Spirit Airlines is holding the saw.

In case you missed the latest coverage surrounding Spirit…dying Vietnam vet Jerry Meekins tried to get a refund after being told by his doctor that he was too sick to fly.  Read more

Protecting the NFL Brand

If you follow the NFL, the news of the day is the one-year suspension and fine of New Orleans Head Coach Sean Payton for his involvement in the now-famous bounty program as well as the indefinite suspension of Greg Williams, the defensive coach who concocted the scheme.  Read more

You have to say “I’m Sorry” more than once

The latest TSA story igniting the social space…a nursing mom was forced to use her breast pump in a public restroom in order to get though airport security.  Read more

Media Engagement 101

Two items reminded us of the value of proactively engaging with the media.

Item 1: In a recent NY Times profile, General Motors CEO Dan Akerson said: “I’d been in private equity for eight years, and my attitude was I don’t talk to the press if I don’t want to. Read more

Herm Cain and Crisis

At  CommCore we try to avoid stepping into the political fray.  The office is not the voting booth. Yet, politicians inspire us to think about issues, communications and crisis.  We don’t know where this week’s issue -allegations of Herm Cain sexually harassing employees – will end up. Read more

Political Reporting “De-volves”

The 2012 US Presidential campaign is well underway and so is the media coverage of the media coverage.  Each 4-year cycle produces a President and a Vice President as well as its share of media stories, campaign books, new reporting stars, and plenty of coverage of the press talking about themselves. Read more