CommCore Blog and News

Posts Tagged: Media Training DC

Hashtags and Diamonds are Forever. #AskJPM

One of the most epic failures of social media use occurred this week when JP Morgan scheduled then cancelled a live Twitter Q&A. 
Transparency is a good thing and social media is a great tool to build relationships and listen in on what others are saying about a company and its reputation.
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Fall Internship Opportunity

CommCore is recruiting for a Public Relations/Marketing Intern for an Internship to work directly with the founder of the company and his team.  The position involves all aspects of marketing and new business development with major focus on developing pitch letters, as well as:
  • Database management
  • Social media
  • Traditional public relations tactics, such as assisting with press release writing and distribution, and media outreach.
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Hizzoner, Ed Koch

The passing of former Mayor Ed Koch gives us a second shot this week to comment on how different public figures handled the media.
Earlier this week we discussed the skills (sic) of San Francisco 49er coach Jim Harbaugh.
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Video: Five Media Training Tips from Yes& CommCore SVP of PR Andrew Gilman

Today’s media environment makes media training more important than ever. News can go “viral,” hitting the digital press or social media almost instantaneously.

Yes& CommCore provides proactive media training for your entire organization in a classroom setting at your location or at our classrooms in New York and DC, virtual training and 1-on-1 media consulting services.

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