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Posts Tagged: Crisis Response

War Rooms and Crisis Communications

Establishing a communications “war room” in a crisis is one of the first tactical steps to get on top of a fast breaking situation.
It’s essential to have a central place for a crisis team.
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You would think the Professional Golf Association (PGA) has had enough of controversy, what with Tiger this and Tiger that.

So making a tempest out of a teapot would seem to be against the PGA brand’s interest. Read more

Toyota’s Image Re-Building: The Start of a Long Haul

The headline from the past two days of Toyota testimony before Congress is clear. Toyota has finally shaped and disseminated a message of corporate contrition: we grew too fast, focused on revenues and profits instead of quality control and the customer, and we forgot what got us to the top in the first place.
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Tiger and the White House Party Crashers

Tiger Woods was the best thing that happened this week to the still nearly-famous (will they soon become infamous?) Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the Virginia reality-TV aspiring couple who “crashed” the White House state dinner last week and didn’t show up when invited for Congressional testimony. Read more