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Posts Tagged: Crisis Response

Proper Planning is the Key to Crisis Communications

The current spate of international and domestic crises is a stark reminder to all professional communicators: in Crisis Response there is no substitute for preparedness.

An enterprise paralyzed by a devastating earthquake or tsunami. Read more

Sometimes The “Fix” Works

As corporate apologies go, Groupon’s mea culpa and corrective actions after its Super Bowl ad controversy was about as forthright as they come: “We hate that we offended people, and we’re very sorry that we did,” CEO and founder Andrew Mason wrote in a post last week on the corporate blog. Read more

The Carnival Splendor’s Social Media Strategy

Carnival Cruise Lines is getting generally high marks for its customer relations and public relations response to the highly-publicized misfortune that befell its “Carnival Splendor” earlier this month. The ship and passengers were stranded at sea for days with no power after an engine room fire, and the vessel had to be towed in to port. Read more

Crisis Planning and Risk Management

In the wake of the deadly gas explosion in San Bruno, CA, CNN interviewed Georgia Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise in order to get a sense of the risks and realities in our utility infrastructure. Read more

Responding to “Fake” Tweeters

Public companies increasingly have to deal with “fake” Twitter accounts created by people who have a bone to pick with the corporation or its brands. BPGlobalPR, for example, is a mock Twitter account using the BP name that has already acquired over 187,000 followers with its satirical spoof tweets on the company’s oil spill clean-up efforts. Read more

Smartphone Issues: Communicating About Wireless Woes

In recent days we have seen two of the giants of the Wireless world – Apple and Verizon – respond differently to problems with their smartphone products, resulting in different reactions from consumers and the mainstream and trade media. Read more