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Posts Tagged: Crisis Response

No “Crash and Burn” In This Case

The back-to-back car accidents involving Secretary of Commerce John Bryson this past weekend could have ended up burning the fingers of an Obama administration already trying to manage the President’s “private sector is doing fine” PR-fire. Read more

Catch the Spirit…

If a tree falls in the forest do you hear it?  You do if Spirit Airlines is holding the saw.

In case you missed the latest coverage surrounding Spirit…dying Vietnam vet Jerry Meekins tried to get a refund after being told by his doctor that he was too sick to fly.  Read more

You have to say “I’m Sorry” more than once

The latest TSA story igniting the social space…a nursing mom was forced to use her breast pump in a public restroom in order to get though airport security.  Read more

The Komen firestorm, and flip-flop

The sudden reversal by the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation will likely not end the controversy over its temporary withdrawal of funding for mammograms from Planned Parenthood. Without taking a position on the decision itself, and on the reversal, as communications consultants we at CommCore have several observations:
·    Why did they make the original announcement in the midst of a bitterly contested Presidential and Congressional election year in which Culture War issues such as abortion – which Planned Parenthood provides on-demand – are among the most divisive?
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Learning from the first crisis: Don’t make the same mistakes twice

Virginia Tech’s shooting massacre in 2007 changed the way universities and other public institutions respond to crises.  As a result of the slow, manual campus warning system in place on the day a deranged gunman killed 32 people, emergency and crisis response leaders more rapid alert protocols, adding blast texts and emails along with other traditional warnings. Read more

NBC’s Pledge Gaffe

Any reporter and editor has been there before – letting something slip through on the air or in print that came back to bite them. But NBC did it in spades this past weekend – its editorial processes failing twice – in its coverage of the U.S. Read more