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Posts Tagged: crisis communications

Hashtags and Diamonds are Forever. #AskJPM

One of the most epic failures of social media use occurred this week when JP Morgan scheduled then cancelled a live Twitter Q&A. 
Transparency is a good thing and social media is a great tool to build relationships and listen in on what others are saying about a company and its reputation.
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What Pasta Will You Buy This Week?

Barilla Pasta’s crisis whirlwind started with a comment in Italy (probably in Italian). Within days it became a trending hashtag on Twitter and Facebook, a global electronic boycott, spoof commercial ads on YouTube and Vine, and now Ad wars with competitors like Bertolli being shared on Instagram and across the Internet. Read more

Federal Budget Cuts and Training

The sequester bite is taking a toll on government programs.  According to the NY Times the sequester is temporarily changing the way the government does business.

One example is pulling out of an international space conference held in the US. Read more

A Whale of a Controversy

SeaWorld didn’t wait to fight back against a documentary film released today that claims whales in captivity suffer physical and mental stress because of confinement. The park’s entertainment division pre-emptively sent a rebuttal to 50 movie critics a week before the movie was to premiere.
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