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Posts Tagged: crisis communications

Does the picture tell the story?

Front page of USA Today this morning, and just about everywhere else in the media: a “before” and “after” photo or video clip of the oil well deep in the Gulf.
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War Rooms and Crisis Communications

Establishing a communications “war room” in a crisis is one of the first tactical steps to get on top of a fast breaking situation.
It’s essential to have a central place for a crisis team.
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Is The NFL Brand Bullet-Proof?

“Athletes Behaving Badly” isn’t a TV Reality Show yet, but it could be. The National Football League’s brand is like Teflon — unblemished — but could it be?

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has had a lot of practice protecting his brand from crises of late. Read more


If you thought Toyota and Tiger were the crises for this year, they were only the appetizers for the menu that is May 2010. There are so many going on right now that most can’t even get to the front page of the traditional newspapers.
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The West Virginia Mining Disaster: A CEO’s Response

So far the responses from the Massey Energy Company related to the tragedy at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia play right into the media’s need for winners and losers/victims and villains and will keep the issue in play longer. Read more