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Posts Tagged: crisis communications dc

3 Tips for Handling Phone Conference Presentations

Presenting over the phone has its own set of communications challenges such as:

  • No immediate connection with the participants – no eye contact or body language feedback (unless you have a system like Telepresence)
  • Audio requires different signals, cues and instructions
  • You never know what other things the listener is doing
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Video: Five Media Training Tips from Yes& CommCore SVP of PR Andrew Gilman

Today’s media environment makes media training more important than ever. News can go “viral,” hitting the digital press or social media almost instantaneously.

Yes& CommCore provides proactive media training for your entire organization in a classroom setting at your location or at our classrooms in New York and DC, virtual training and 1-on-1 media consulting services.

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OMG – Gap speaks in real English


If you think that The Gap’s clothes are hip, so is the way they treat social media with their employees.
An article from, describes The Gap’s social media policy as a straight and to the point approach that includes conversational language sans legalese.
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