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Posts Tagged: CommCore

AIG Comment: Over The Top, Or “Top This?”

“I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they (AIG executives) ought to be removed. I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they’d follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I’m sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide. Read more

The Stark Truth About Media and Communications Today

It’s been a bad week for newspapers. The Rocky Mountain News closed its doors today. Earlier in the week The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News announced they are filing for bankruptcy less than three years after the current group of owners bought the papers. Read more

All a-Twitter about a Tweet

An online message only 140 characters long can create a world of trouble. That’s what Ketchum PR’s VP and Director of its Interactive Services Division James Andrews found out while in Memphis last week after he typed the following message onto social media website Twitter:
‘True confession but I’m in one of those towns where I scratch my head and say, ‘I would die if I had to live here.’ Read more

IR and the Larger Communications Picture

The November issue of Update, the publication of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), features an article titled, “Corporate Transparency in the Internet Age.”

Lynn Casey, CEO of communications firm Padilla Spear Beardsley, writes: “Performance first. Read more

How Often Do We Get “Do-Overs?”

The travails of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler before Congress in Washington last week present painful lessons for anyone with a critical presentation.

How often do we get a chance for a “do-over” or make good on a critical business plan or presentation? Read more

Advice for the incoming Communicator-In-Chief?

With just a few days left before the presidential election it’s time to consider one of the most important tasks facing the President-Elect: taking on the role of Communicator-In-Chief.

Barack Obama and John McCain have revealed different styles, attributes and messages in a tough campaign. Read more