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Posts Tagged: CommCore

GM Bankruptcy

If GM could convince drivers to buy cars as well as they communicated this week, the auto maker would come out of bankruptcy quickly.

From CEO Fritz Henderson, to UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, to other executives, to the rank and file, as awful as the bankruptcy filing was this week, GM spokespersons were consistent and united in their statements about a new GM. Read more

SARS vs. SWINE FLU – Comparisons and Differences

As I’m writing, the European Health Commissioner has recommended that unless it is “essential,” that Europeans should avoid traveling to Mexico or the US.

Not since SARS have we seen a public health concern and watch that matches the focus on Swine Flu. Read more

Social Media Immediacy

As bloggers, we know that social media is a fluid environment. When attacked, companies and organizations must decide whether to respond quickly to negative sentiment, or wait to assess their response. Read more

Leaders and Communications

Jumping into the fray, Jack and Suzy Welch opined on a President Obama Leadership Report Card in BusinessWeek. While not agreeing with all of the policies, so far the former GE CEO gives him an A for leadership. Read more

A personal view of GM and Rick Wagoner

The news that GM CEO Rick Wagoner resigned under White House pressure is time for both sadness and a quick gut check and time to get back to work for anyone in the auto business. Read more