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If you thought Toyota and Tiger were the crises for this year, they were only the appetizers for the menu that is May 2010. There are so many going on right now that most can’t even get to the front page of the traditional newspapers.
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Toyota’s Image Re-Building: The Start of a Long Haul

The headline from the past two days of Toyota testimony before Congress is clear. Toyota has finally shaped and disseminated a message of corporate contrition: we grew too fast, focused on revenues and profits instead of quality control and the customer, and we forgot what got us to the top in the first place.
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Why Toyota is Not Tylenol: Victim, Villain or Vindicator?

In 1982, I was privileged to work with Johnson & Johnson during the first Tylenol crisis. I was asked to prepare CEO James Burke for the critical “60 Minutes” interview that was a key component in communicating the comeback strategy for the brand and the company. Read more

Tylenol vs. Toyota

Toyota’s January 2010 massive recall and sales stoppage of vehicles has been quickly compared to the recall by Johnson & Johnson of Tylenol in 1982.

Most of the similarities are in the enormity of the recall and the proactive nature of the effort. Read more

Timing Isn’t Everything, But It Counts For A Lot

The Rev. Pat Robertson, one of America’s best-known evangelist broadcasters, created a firestorm Wednesday night even as he was busy soliciting donations for earthquake-ravaged Haiti on his Christian Broadcasting Network’s flagship show, “700 Club.” Read more