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Posts Tagged: CommCore

CommCore Shares Photos on FlickR

Happy Monday! We’re starting off the week with a picture update. CommCore has recently joined FlickR. Check out the link to see our photo albums so far and leave us suggestions about what else you would like to see on our FlickR page! Read more

Of Sound Bites and the Vitriol Police

The punditry since the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, Arizona suggests we are in for an extended period of dissection of public comments past, present and future. Read more

You Are What You Wear

“Perception is Reality” is just one of the bromides quoted regularly whenever the subject of first impressions comes up. Others include, “What You See is What You Get,” and “Clothes Make the King” to mention a couple. Read more

PR Questions on Net Neutrality

The FCC has passed a set of controversial rules on Internet access called “Net Neutrality” which is designed to ensure unblocked access and eliminate discrimination on the World Wide Web. It is a complicated issue, but central to it is restricting a cable or telecom company’s ability to block or slow content and with apparently different rules for wired broadband vs mobile broadband. Read more