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You have to say “I’m Sorry” more than once

The latest TSA story igniting the social space…a nursing mom was forced to use her breast pump in a public restroom in order to get though airport security.  Read more

Lessons from Chardon High School

Geauga County, Ohio Sheriff Daniel McLelland – in whose county the fatal Chardon High School shooting occurred Monday – believes proactive crisis response training prevented the incident from causing more panic in the community than it already had:

“Several years ago, the Chardon school district and local law enforcement began conducting drills, training, practice, if you would, for an event just like occurred today.
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Hard to find the old fashioned police blotter items in your local newspaper these days.  They’ve gone the way of the Private Eye’s  fedora.
 Jim Romanesko, news media watchdog, says that there are so few beat reporters left, there’s no one left to go down to the roundhouse any more to pick up the noteworthy cop beat tidbits.
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A Tale of Two Universities

In the news this week is another campus crisis. (click here) Fifteen students including three current football players at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth were arrested and charged with drug trafficking as a result of a police sting operation. Read more

The Komen firestorm, and flip-flop

The sudden reversal by the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation will likely not end the controversy over its temporary withdrawal of funding for mammograms from Planned Parenthood. Without taking a position on the decision itself, and on the reversal, as communications consultants we at CommCore have several observations:
·    Why did they make the original announcement in the midst of a bitterly contested Presidential and Congressional election year in which Culture War issues such as abortion – which Planned Parenthood provides on-demand – are among the most divisive?
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