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Sizzle or Steak? The Theater of Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional Testimony

Here’s what you can expect of substance at this week’s hearing with Mark Zuckerberg CEO and founder of Facebook.  Not much…unless he makes a very big gaffe.

Remember: high profile hearings are more theater than substance.  They are highly choreographed events with the key players knowing their roles and lines to deliver.

I still remember the analysis on airline deregulation hearings from an aide to late Sen Ted Kennedy: everyone knows the script.  The Senator knows the questions to ask. He or she also knows what the answers will be.  At the opportune moment — usually after a probing question and inadequate response — the Senator will turn to the camera and deliver a prepared statement that he or she knows will be used in coverage.

What else makes it theater?  Much like a Broadway play that has previews in other cities, Team Zuckerberg has been rehearsing in the office of a high powered DC law firm. The team has been role-playing the different senators, mimicking their questioning styles and even tone of voice.  Zuckerberg gets to deliver a soliloquy, aka opening statement.

What could go wrong?

  • There’s a question that no one anticipated.  Probably won’t happen, but it could be a nuance that trips him up and becomes a headline.
  • Zuckerberg thinks he is in improv rather than a player in a set theater piece.  Witnesses who go off script usually run into trouble.
  • Zuckerberg comes across as if he is the star of the show vs a role player.

Back in Silicon Valley, MZ is the star.  In Washington, remember your place.