Virtual 120 Prep

Best Practices Communications Skills in 120 Minutes


Even in a remote working world, employees can improve their skills and learn how to be more productive.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Yes& CommCore has fine-tuned our proven training formula to better prepare professionals to successfully communicate in our virtual environments. We are currently conducting 120-minute coaching sessions for multinational companies, non-profits, and government organizations and achieving great results.

In no more than two hours, we cover ways to:

  1. Engage any audience – internal, external, conference
  2. Prepare and deliver a more effective presentation, panel, or media interview
  3. Maximize presence in the remote, home environment
  4. Practice with video recording and playback OR practice sessions can be set up for separate one-on-one training

Our virtual coaching will ensure that your team can quickly adapt to effectively communicating in remote, hybrid, synchronous and asynchronous meeting environments for all key audiences including: employees, customers, media, investors, analysts, partners, and peers.  These best practice learnings can also be applied to in-person meetings and interviews.

Photo from Pexels

Learn More About Our Virtual Communications Training Services

To schedule a training or get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email