Message Development

Storytelling, messaging, framing — common words and phrases that describe the communications imperative of creating positive impressions and perceptions.

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The CommCore Message Development Process is both a disciplined and creative approach that develops messages, stories, and examples that are remembered and quoted.

Yes& CommCore produces messages for internal and external stakeholders that combine the most pertinent facts and data with stories, example and visual support. The result is a narrative that provides context and content for proactive and reactive communications. The process helps an organization get in front of an issue, set or reset context in an ongoing coverage, or stem a crisis from happening or getting worse.

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Yes& CommCore defines and answers important questions:

  • What are your communications themes and objectives?
  • What proof do you have to support your messages?
  • How will competitors/stakeholders/customers react to each message?
  • How can you shape public perception on controversial issues?
  • What statements and messages will be most persuasive?
  • How to test and measure messages?

The work product from the Yes& CommCore includes:

  • Message Map
  • Strategic Message Matrix
  • Executive Message Summary and Supporting Detail
  • FAQ Document
  • Short- and Long-term Communications Plans

At Yes& CommCore, we advise our clients that regardless of the communications avenue used to engage the customer (social or mainstream media), the key is creating sticky messages to tell the right story.

We closely monitor the intersection between message development, language, and current events to help inform our approach to sensitive issues.

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Contact Our Consulting Team

We are available 24/7 and can put you in touch with the right person to help with your specific communications challenge.

To get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email   to contact our communications firm today.