Investor Relations Training

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Today’s financial environment makes preparation for investor interactions more important than ever. Investor news hits the digital press almost instantaneously. 

Yes& CommCore Investor Relations training workshops, coaching and consulting – in person or virtually – helps your team achieve desired results on earnings calls, investor conferences, and road shows. 

CommCore has worked in a wide range of industries including automotive, biotech, pharmaceutical, healthcare, consumer goods, logistics, technology and transportation.

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Yes& CommCore’s Investor Relations Team Provides Training Workshops and Coaching for:

  • Earnings Call Scripts and Q&A Rehearsal 
  • Investor Conferences and Meetings 
  • Roadshows/Public & Private Offerings 
  • Analyst Meetings
  • Pitch Meetings with Potential Partners/Collaborators
  • Financial Media Interview preparation

Preparation for Earnings Call, Investor Day Presentations and Q&A

We routinely prepare leadership teams at public companies for quarterly earnings calls – and specifically for the analyst/investor Q&A. We work with both newly public companies as well as established Fortune 500 companies.  

Preparation for Industry Conferences/Meetings

CommCore VP Dale Weiss

Yes& CommCore coaches companies for presentations at leading industry conferences including ASCO, ESMO, JP Morgan, CES, ASH and countless more. We help spokespeople at these conferences deliver data updates, product releases and company announcements.

Roadshow/Public Offering Presentations

We have prepared dozens of companies for high-stakes investor meetings including traditional IPOs, SPAC-mergers, series A/B/C funding rounds and more. We work extensively with the C-level executive management team in preparing companies for these investor engagements. 

Analyst and Investor Meeting Preparation

We routinely counsel leadership teams at public companies for their investor and analyst meetings, especially for Q&A. We work with both newly public companies as well as established Fortune 500 companies.  

Media Skills Coaching

executive coaching

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We coach CEO’s and CFO’s, R&D leaders, KOLs, patient advocates for critical media interactions in broadcast and print. We have expertise in preparing spokespeople for every media type including top-tier, science, business, medical and technology. 

Our IR experience includes:

  • Speaking to complex economic models
  • Disclosing financial information
  • Presenting at earnings calls
  • Managing SEC challenges
  • Preparing for a roadshow

We have coached clients for success on their:

  • Television interviews on 60 MinutesSquawk Box and CNBC
  • Interviews from the floor of the NY Stock Exchange
  • Executives preparing for the editorial boards at Financial TimesWall Street JournalBarron’s
  • Appearances at large investor conferences such as ASCO, ESMO, JP Morgan, CES, ASH, Piper Jaffrey and more.

Our experience cuts across all major industry sectors including healthcare, food & beverage, automotive, business and finance, energy, law, public and government affairs, and science and technology. Learn more about our expertise in your vertical here.

Contact our Investor Relations Trainers & Consultants

We are available and can put you in touch with a member of our IR team to help with your specific communications challenge.
To get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email   to contact our investor relations firm today.