Crisis Communications

Crisis Communications 101: Not “If” But “When”

When you’re caught unprepared for crisis, you become reactive. You might make communication mistakes that could have easily been prevented. This can put even the best organizational reputation in jeopardy.

But when you’re prepared, you can be responsive and even proactive, keeping your reputation intact.

Yes& CommCore is a top crisis communications firm relied upon by C-level executives for crisis communications planning and reputation management services before, during, and after a crisis.

We believe crisis communications planning is an investment; not an expense.

  • Studies indicate that every dollar spent on crisis communications planning is worth $7 in losses averted.
  • A report by Hotwire suggests that 45% of senior communications executives do not have a crisis communications plan.
  • 80% said they were worried that a crisis event would someday affect their organization.

As a leading crisis communications firm, for almost 40 years Yes& CommCore has helped organizations be ready  — prepared prior to a crisis — and working side-by-side both during and after a communications crisis.
We partner with our clients to ensure they are properly prepared before, supported during and help them repair damaged brands and reputations after a crisis. Our experience includes:

  • COVID-19 employee communications counsel
  • Cyber-attack/Data Breach crisis communications
  • Tylenol/Johnson & Johnson crisis media training
  • SARS risk communications
  • Columbia and Challenger space shuttle accidents
  • Congressional investigations
  • Plant closings
  • Class action litigation
  • Product recalls
  • Ethics issues
  • “#MeToo”

Before: Audit & Write Crisis Plans

Yes& CommCore’s crisis communications engagement begins with an audit and/or an update of existing crisis plans … or we create a new one. An effective crisis communications plan will identify the role of communications in crisis readiness and management, and can help mitigate costs, liability, and reputation damage.
Crisis Communication Plan checklist:

  • When was it last updated?
  • Does it include organization-wide inputs?
  • Is it accessible remotely?
  • Who is on the crisis management team? Does it include all major business continuity functions?
  • Is there a decision tree?
  • Are there internal and external crisis communication templates and instructions?

Take our Crisis Assessment to help assess your crisis readiness.

During: Strategy & Tactics

When a crisis hits, you and your organization are not alone. The Yes& CommCore crisis communications team is available for on-call crisis communications management, counsel and support.
We develop effective crisis communications response plans that communicate appropriately and promptly to internal and external audiences – media, board members, investigators, regulators, customers, and key stakeholders:

  • Review overall communications strategy through a long-term reputation lens
  • Develop key messages for stakeholders
  • Write/edit press releases and FAQ documents
  • Monitor social media and engage, if necessary
  • “Drop-and-run” crisis counsel—This can include:
    • Running the “war room”
    • Crisis strategy / counsel to senior management
    • Coordination: press conferences, website updates, and news releases

After: Repair -> Reassess ->Reputation

Once the crisis is over, Yes& CommCore applies the 3 R’s Rule
REPAIR: Ensure that the immediate problems have been fixed.
REASSESS: Review procedures, plans, and checklists used during the crisis. Make necessary changes based on a gap analysis of the organization’s communications activities.
REPUTATION: Yes& CommCore can develop a proactive, positive communications strategy that enables your organization to pivot to the future once the crisis is over.

Crisis Communications Media Training

Spokesperson Media Training

As a crisis communications firm, Yes& CommCore will prepare your spokespersons to effectively speak to various stakeholders in a potentially hostile and volatile environment.  They will:

  • Learn “Best Practice” crisis communications skills using proven messaging and interview preparation tools and techniques
  • Role play and practice on-camera in a range of situations
    • News Conference
    • Ambush media interview
    • Community and Employee Town Hall settings
    • Social Media Engagement

    Helping You Communicate The Right Message in Trying Times

Upon completion of the crisis communications training program, spokespersons will be better able to:

  • Take more control and frame an interview
  • Improve “presence” for interviews in broadcast and conference settings
  • Understand the importance of Message consistency
  • Learn and practice the “bridging” technique to handle challenging questions
  • Avoid reporter traps and stay on message
  • Know how to stay within one’s area of expertise
  • Keep within the “Message Box” which contain short and specific messages for a crisis interview
  • Adjust answers for different types of audiences

Crisis Communications Training Locations: Dallas, New York, Los Angeles & Washington, DC

Yes& CommCore crisis communications professionals have counseled countless companies and organizations on a variety of crisis issues including:

  • Tylenol
  • Cyber/Hacking crises
  • SARS risk communications
  • Columbia and Challenger space shuttle accidents
  • Congressional investigations
  • Plant closings
  • Class action litigation
  • Product recalls
  • Ethics issues
  • “#MeToo”

Regulatory Testimony Preparation

Legislative, regulatory, or legal testimony can be the most intimidating of all communications, and often occur when a firm or organization is already in crisis. Yes& CommCore’s witness preparation workshops teach participants how to present credible, convincing testimony.

  • Our consultants lead participants through direct and cross-examination sessions.
  • We record the mock sessions. We use playback and critique to identify “holes” in testimony and address delivery and credibility issues.

This workshop teaches individuals the art of testimony in a Q&A format. The workshops focus on testimony organization, drafting responsive answers and keeping jargon and acronyms to a minimum.

Crisis Simulations

Yes& CommCore PressureTest™ Crisis Simulation Training

Our PressureTest™ is designed to:

  • Expose vulnerabilities and highlight strengths
  • Enhance teamwork under stressful conditions
  • Encourage active participation by crisis team members

Intended for:

  • Executive Management Committee
  • C-Suite and Division Leaders
  • Spokespeople
  • Marketing, Legal, IT, HR, Security, Finance
  • PR, Communications, Investor Relations, Public/Government Affairs
  • Operations

We ran New York Times reporters through our proprietary “PressureTest™.” Learn more about our crisis communications simulations here.

Meet Our Crisis Communications Counselors

Andrew D. Gilman
Senior Vice President of PR

Nick Peters
Senior Consultant

Dale Weiss
Vice President
Jerry Doyle
Senior Vice President
Alexander Kippen
Senior Consultant
Michael Sigman
Senior Consultant
Bob McNaney
Senior Consultant
Dan Wilinsky
Senior Consultant

Is Your Organization Crisis-Ready? Take Yes& CommCore’s Crisis Communications Plan Assessment and Find Out

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Learn More About Our Crisis Communications Services

Contact our Crisis Communications Trainers & Consultants

We are available and can put you in touch with the right person to help with your specific crisis communications challenge.
To schedule a PressureTest™ Demo or get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email   to contact our crisis communications firm today.