CommCore Blog and News

Presentation Skills Training Video: How to Use Eye Contact with Your Audience in Virtual Setting

Through presentation skills training, CommCore helps your executives, spokespeople, and team leaders become persuasive communicators who can motivate an audience or team and influence behavior – whether in person or virtually.

As we are all expected to present more, both online via Zoom and in person at work, these skills are more important than ever. Learn persuasion tactics and negotiation skills to get the most out of your presentations. Command any room when you learn to present with confidence.

At CommCore, we have a cadre of experts in the field. Here’s a PR News article where CEO Andrew Gilman highlights 6 Public Speaking Tips for the First 2 Minutes of Any Presentation.

We have prepared dozens of companies for high-stakes investor meetings including traditional IPOs, SPAC-mergers, non-deal roadshows, series A/B/C funding rounds, and more. We work extensively with the C-level executive management team in preparing companies for investor engagements.

We also work with government agencies, associations, and nonprofits to create and deliver crucial messages to stakeholders of all kinds. Learn more about CommCore’s Expertise in Your Industry Vertical.

Schedule Your Company’s Presentation Skills Training

Set yourself up for success in your next presentation. Schedule a Presentation Skills Training for yourself or your company today.

Who is the Presentation Skills Training program for?

  • Executive Management Committee
  • C-Suites and Division Leaders
  • Spokespeople
  • Marketing, Legal, IT, HR, Security, Finance
  • PR, Communications, Investor Relations, Public/Government Affairs
  • Operations
virtual presentation skills training

Image courtesy Shutterstock

Our Presentation Skills Training and Presentation Coaching Services will help you prepare for effective public speaking, keynote speeches, sales pitches, panel moderation, PowerPoint presentations, speech preparation, teleprompter training, testimony training, webinar delivery, and more.

To schedule a Presentation Skills Training, or if you have questions regarding our Presentation Skills Trainings, please contact our firm today.

We also may have an answer to your specific question covered in our Presentation Skills Training FAQs. Topics include:

  • The CommCore Difference,
  • differences between Media Training & Presentation Skills Training,
  • What to do when your executive team doesn’t think they need training,
  • … and more.

Want to speak with an expert?