Media Training Workshops

Media Training Workshops are classroom-style corporate trainings intended to improve your organization from the inside out. We provide Media Training Workshops for:

  • Executive Management Committees
  • C-Suites and Division Leaders
  • Spokespeople
  • Marketing, Legal, IT, HR, Security, Finance
  • PR, Communications, Investor Relations, Public/Government Affairs
  • Operations

Today’s media environment makes media training more important than ever. News can go “viral,” hitting the digital press or social media almost instantaneously.

Proactive media training for your entire organization in a classroom setting, either at your location or at our classrooms in New York and DC.

For all training and consultive services:

  • We conduct research into your organization
  • We customize our sessions to your specific needs
  • Our Media Training is sought-after by trusted names in the industry
  • We utilize expert trainers who have relevant industry experience and know how to transfer their knowledge effectively
  • Our advice is based on research and what works, not opinion

Meet Our Media Training Workshop Facilitators

Andrew D. Gilman
Senior Vice President of PR

Jerry Doyle
Senior Vice President

Dale Weiss
Vice President
Emily Avila
Senior Consultant
Keith Blackman
Senior Consultant
Jilly Carter
Senior Consultant
Larry Gilman
Senior Consultant
Alexander Kippen
Senior Consultant
Michael Sigman
Senior Consultant

Media Training Resources

Media training workshop participants get the most comprehensive training, and training materials in the industry. Each participant leaves with:

  • “Get to the Point: How to Say What You Mean & Get What You Want,” the authoritative communication & media relations book by CommCore CEO Andrew D. Gilman & Karen E. Berg (we wrote the book on Media Training!)
  • Our comprehensive workbook, Media Training Communication Skills
  • Your on-camera media training simulation videos on thumbdrive
  • Presenter’s slide deck
  • CommCore Tip Card

More About Our Media Training Workshops

To get started or ask questions, contact a member of our media training team.

We staff the phones M-F 9am-5pm ET and can put you in touch with the right person to help with your specific media challenge.

To schedule a training or get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email