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How are leaders communicating with employees in this virtual and hybrid environment?

As the hybrid workplace evolves, effective communication from a leader – from the CEO on down to a project leader – needs to be clear and concise.

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As you prepare to communicate with your team, here are four suggestions to keep in mind as you create and deliver key messages.

First, it’s all about the message. The one that comes quickly to mind is the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That message took Bill Clinton to the White House in 1992. So, when preparing to communicate with employees – or any audience – what is the message(s) you want them to most remember?

Second, be authentic. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Andrew Brodsky writes that “importance of authenticity as a key driver of overall work outcomes from front link workers to leaders.”1 The flip side is inauthenticity, which has been shown to destroy trust, damage customer loyalty, and decrease company profits. 1

Third, the right communications channel is key. The more media-rich the message, the better the outcome. Videos are second only to face-to-face meetings that give the audience members the greatest number of cues.

An example of selecting the right communications channels – Ukrainian President Zelensky has and continues to use social media and video to great effect in communicating and inspiring his Ukrainian citizens as well as people around the world by showing what is happening inside Ukraine. In his recent addresses to several Congresses around the globe, he customized each talk to the audience.

Last, be wary of too many video meetings. Zoom fatigue is real. Absent those obsessed with TikTok, there is a limit to our video consumption.

To help avoid the fatigue, consider if the meeting is necessary. Wisdom comes from the comic strip Dilbert. One apt quip; “There is no specific agenda for this meeting. As usual, we’ll just make unrelated emotional statements about things which bother us.”

CommCore has been helping clients navigate the hybrid office and virtual worlds.

How to engage virtual audiences

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1– Brodsky, Andrew. (Jan. 20, 2022). Communicating Authentically in a Virtual World. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved: