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The Yes& CommCore Observer: Don’t Let a Cyber Security Incident Ruin Your Reputation

Does your organization have a cyber security incident response plan in place?

The recent spring storms and tornadoes in Texas left over one million people without power. Electricity is one of those things that you don’t think about until you don’t have it … and if you don’t have a backup generator, your food will spoil.

Think of that generator as the organization’s crisis communications plan. You only need it if something goes wrong … and if you don’t have a working plan, your reputation could spoil.

Recent global survey data suggest that a growing number of companies do not have a cyber security incident response plan

While 96% of companies have experienced a crisis in the last five years, only half report they have a working crisis communications plan.

Of those who had a plan, 96% reported that planning was effective. While the categories of crises that can befall an organization are similar to prior studies, cyber security incidents now account for more than half of all reported crises.

The latest data* reveals:

  • Individuals impacted in millions: 53.35 (Statista)
  • The average cost of a data breach attack is $4.35 million and trending upward (IBM)
  • Ransomware is the most common cyber attack method (Forbes)
  • Businesses experience ransomware attacks every 11 seconds (Tech Jury)
  • “43% of cyberattacks target small businesses” (Tech Jury)
  • 75% of organizations do not have a solid cyber security communications plan in place.

The data reinforces the need to prepare, especially for cyber security incidents.

Here are a few questions to ask about your organization’s cyber incident response efforts:

  • Do you have an updated cyber security incident response plan to inform customers, investors, employees, boards of directors, law enforcement, regulators, and the media?
  • If you work for a public company traded in the U.S., do you have procedures to comply with SEC reporting rules?
  • Do your C-Suite, breach coach, and legal counsel collaborate to ensure that executive communications don’t harm your legal and financial positions?
  • Have you drafted templates for responding to different types of cyber incidents, such as ransomware, phishing, malware, and insider threats?
  • Does your cyber-attack response plan include ways to repair and restore your brand’s reputation once you can pivot to proactive communications?
  • Don’t wait for the next reputation storm to remember that you don’t have your backup generator ready.

Yes& CommCore Can Help Before, During, and After a Crisis

No organization is immune from modern crises, and their crippling effects on operations and reputations.

We believe crisis communications planning is an investment; not an expense.

  • Studies indicate that every dollar spent on crisis communications planning is worth $7 in losses averted.
  • A report by Hotwire suggests that 45% of senior communications executives do not have a crisis communications plan.
  • 80% said they were worried that a crisis event would someday affect their organization.

As a leading crisis communications firm, for almost 40 years Yes& CommCore has helped organizations be ready  — prepared prior to a crisis — and working side-by-side both during and after a crisis to communicate the right message at the right time.

We partner with our clients to ensure they are properly prepared before, supported during and help them protect brands and reputations after a crisis.

Contact our Crisis Communications Trainers & Consultants

Yes& CommCore provides cyber security incident response training tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Our proactive and reactive Crisis Communications training services help your organization both prepare for crisis, and manage its message in difficult times. We can help you create and implement your cyber security communications plan, as well as run simulations so your team is ready when crisis strikes. We are available and can put you in touch with the right person to help with your specific crisis communications challenge.

To schedule a PressureTest™ Demo or get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email   to contact our crisis communications firm today.

Data breaches and individuals impacted U.S. 2022 | Statista