CommCore Blog and News

CommCore Senior Consultant Dan Wilinsky to Speak At Denver Meeting of PR Professionals

Google the term “fake news” and you will get more than 140 million results.  In this post-truth era, where online news is in and print newspapers are out, one thing is certain; as they promote their clients’ brands, PR practitioners need to work harder than ever to win the trust of journalists.

On Tuesday, Feb. 18, CommCore senior consultant Dan Wilinsky will lead a discussion on tips and best practices to earn the media’s trust, one pitch at a time. In his presentation, Dan – a former news reporter with United Press International – will discuss the different ways to elevate a company or client’s message and share tips on how to successfully pitch stories. His talk will take place at the University of Denver at a regular meeting of the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators).

For more information and to request a free post-event flier entitled “10 Tips For Media Relations Success”, email Dan at

Event:  IABC – Colorado chapter meeting

Date: February 18th, 2020, 11:30am-1:00pm MST

Location: University of Denver, University Hall

2197 S. University Blvd., Room 306, Denver, CO 80208

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