CommCore Blog and News

Corporate Activism: CEOs Are Stepping Out

For decades, conventional wisdom for corporate CEOs was to steer clear of controversial issues and politics. Why risk alienating your customer base and shareholders?

No longer. Driven by activist investors, advocacy social media campaigns, a more diverse workforce, and a polarized national political and social atmosphere, CEO activism is on the riseRead more

Jack Goes Outside the Box

Jack in the Box’s Teriyaki Bowl Ad Campaign features a simple innuendo between “bowl” and private male body parts that critics say has overtones of sexual harassment. Others say it was very clever:
  • Adweek accused the fast-food chain of “launching one of the most tone-deaf ads of the #MeToo Era.”
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The ABCs of the Three Fs Rule

Not even three months into 2018, and from a crisis communications standpoint it already feels like a full year: Parkland. #MeToo. North Korea. Steel and aluminum tariffs. “Sh#thole countries.”

Are there any lessons leaders can glean from these controversies? Read more

Communications Lessons from the Olympics

Olympic stars are gifted athletes. A precious few become celebrities with their own personal brands. How two of them handled adversity in the winter games in Pyeong Chang, South Korea provides media training takeaways for anyone dealing with the press. Read more

On President Trump, #metoo & Oprah Winfrey: Words Matter

As we’ve seen in recent crisis communications and media relations coverage in the press, words matter.
Let’s start with 3 data points:
  • President Trump’s comments on immigration outraged many Americans and allies
  • #metoo has renewed the debate on what can or cannot be said in the workplace and in social situations
  • Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globe speech vaulted her overnight from famous celebrity to discussion of presidential candidacy
What can CEOs and organizational leaders learn from these and other examples?
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An Elementary School Teaches us about Crisis Response

The kids at Rancho Tehama Elementary School in Rancho Tehama, CA are safe. Why? Because their school had a crisis plan, they had conducted safety drills, and they knew what to do when a gunman approached the doors and started firing.
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