CommCore Blog and News

Social Media Lessons From Pro Athletes

We’re not in the business of picking on pro athletes. But it sure appears that some of them are quite good at social media blunders. We can learn from two ill-advised postings over the summer:

Shortly after Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin (aka RGIII) lost his starting job, an intern he hired to manage his social media postings “liked” a posting on Instagram criticizing the football team’s owner. Read more

Grandma & Third Parties. It’s All About Trust.

Your grandmother was right when she used to say, “Don’t toot your own horn, let others do it.”

That’s even more true in today’s 24/7 world of crisis management.  Third party advocates and spokespersons are experiencing increased influence as a way to build brand reputation and defend it when a crisis hits. Read more

E-Mail Protocol Lessons From The Sony Pictures Hacking

The hacking of SONY Pictures data not only raises questions about whether threats can force a company to pull a product from the market place, but generates a host of new concerns for anyone who uses e-mail or instant messaging. Read more