CommCore Blog and News

The Yes& CommCore Observer: Don’t Let a Cyber Security Incident Ruin Your Reputation

Does your organization have a cyber security incident response plan in place?

The recent spring storms and tornadoes in Texas left over one million people without power. Electricity is one of those things that you don’t think about until you don’t have it … and if you don’t have a backup generator, your food will spoil. Read more

The CommCore Observer: Be in the Room Where it Happens in 2024

Let’s look at several news events from 2023 to help identify corporate communications trends, and set communications goals for 2024:

  • One Congressional Hearing Brings Down Two Ivy League Presidents. Commentary about the Congressional testimony from the presidents of Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, and MIT lambasted the event as a byproduct of over-lawyering and the two presidents’ failure to respond well to aggressive, if not fully predictable, questioning.
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