Does your organization have a cyber security incident response plan in place?
The recent spring storms and tornadoes in Texas left over one million people without power. Electricity is one of those things that you don’t think about until you don’t have it … and if you don’t have a backup generator, your food will spoil.
As the Port of Baltimore slowly reopens to commercial traffic and the delicate process of removing the massive steel pieces from what is left of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, it’s not too early to find crisis communications lessons from how information about the disaster was disseminated.
The importance of staying “in the message box” during crisis communications was ably demonstrated this week by National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) chairperson Jennifer Homendy. She ran a textbook press conference in Baltimore shortly after the Francis Scott Key Bridge tanker collision and collapse.Read more
Both Google and NBC News came under fire this week for their handling of inappropriate workplace behavior thus offering contrasting examples of how to handle a PR crisis. In the article, “PR Lessons from Google’s and NBC’s Contrasting Crisis Responses,” CEO Andy Gilman offers his advice for the two companies. Read more
Washington D.C., January 11, 2017 —Washington Business Journal’s “Book of Lists 2017” has once again named CommCore Consulting Group as one of the Top Public Relations Agencies in the Washington, DC metro area. Read more
The missteps in Wells Fargo’s fraud scandal response are well documented. As crisis consultants, our clients are asking us: Could this now chronic crisis have been prevented?
Yes and no. At least a more in-tune management could have kept this from getting worse:
When employee letters citing fraud – one dating back to 2007 — and a petition from 2014 signed by thousands of employees complaining about draconian sales quotas are sent to management, don’t dismiss them.
When Washington, DC Metro’s new General Manager Paul Wiedefeld announced the complete shutdown of the nation’s 2nd largest subway system on a work day last Tuesday with only 9-and-half hours’ notice, he sent two unequivocal signals:
Safety first
He is ready to take whatever actions are required to safeguard the public and salvage the crumbling system regardless of the consequences
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