As we’ve seen recently with both Starbucks and Disney, when a crisis hits, you must act fast. Earlier this week CommCore CEO Andy Gilman was quoted about this in the CNNMoney article, “Strategy for Disney and Starbucks: Quick, bold action against racism.” Read more
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Posts Tagged: CommCore
CEO Andy Gilman quoted in PR News on GDPR Crisis Planning
With all of the large-scale cyber attacks over the last few years, CommCore CEO Andy Gilman was recently quoted in the PR News article, “A 5-Step GDPR Crisis Plan” about how to create a crisis communications plan ahead of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline at the end of May and in the event of a dreaded data breach. Read more
CEO Andy Gilman Quoted in CNNMoney
CommCore CEO Andy Gilman was recently quoted in the CNNMoney article, “Facebook, Uber, Wells Fargo: The strategy behind 3 corporate apology ads” about how the three companies have launched apology campaigns to overcome their recent scandals and ultimately garner forgiveness from the public. Read more
What Were They Thinking: 76ers Storytelling Cements Team Bond
Of Snakes, UFOs, Coffee and Quantum Theory: CommCore’s Nick Peters “What Were They Thinking?” video blog explains the 76ers’ Winning Secret.
CEO Andy Gilman Quoted in CNNMoney
CommCore CEO Andy Gilman quoted in the CNNMoney article “Starbucks has a bold plan to address racial bias. Will it work?” after Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson announced all U.S. Read more
CEO Andy Gilman Quoted in The New York Times
CommCore CEO Andy Gilman quoted in The New York Times “Starbucks to Close 8,000 U.S. Stores for Racial-Bias Training After Arrests,” following the arrest of two African-American men recently at one of their Philadelphia stores, prompting protests. Read more
What Were They Thinking: Heineken Beer Ad Protest Lights Up Social Media
In this episode of CommCore’s “What Were They Thinking” SVP Nick Peters looks at a recent Heineken TV ad that sparked social media protest before the company pulled it.
Make Sure Your Media Message is On-Point.
Read moreCommCore’s Dale Weiss Quoted in the Wall Street Journal
CommCore SVP, Dale Weiss was recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal’s latest “Crisis of the Week”.

Read moreDale Weiss, senior vice president, CommCore Consulting Group: “A credibility gap was created when the NBC statement…is announced just hours before the release of the Variety article claiming Mr.
CommCore CEO, Andrew Gilman Quoted in L.A. Times on Uber’s Latest Setback
CommCore’s CEO, Andrew Gilman was recently quoted in the L.A. Time article, “Uber’s latest setback: Loss of license to operate in London”.
While business experts said Uber’s recent spate of scandals in the United States — including allegations of a toxic culture, the firing of employees and executives implicated in sexual assault and discrimination allegations, and the lawsuits alleging the mishandling of passenger medical data — are unlikely to have played a significant role in Transport for London’s decision, there’s little doubt that it colored regulators’ view of the company. Read more
CommCore CEO, Andrew Gilman Quoted in New York Times
CommCore CEO, Andrew Gilman was recently quoted in the New York Times on the recent crisis that the Tiki Brand company faced.
Andrew D. Gilman, who has consulted with companies like Johnson & Johnson, General Motors and Pepsi during crises, described Tiki as essentially “minding its own business” when it found itself caught up in the Charlottesville demonstrations. Read more