The media recently reported on an incident involving home/vacation rental website It turns out that a “guest” at an Airbnb property in San Francisco vandalized the home of the lessor. Read more
CommCore Blog and News
Posts Tagged: Andy Gilman
The myth of “I do better in the actual speech or presentation than I do in rehearsal.”
For those who don’t like prep sessions, dry runs, murder boards, and mock interviews, here’s a bit of advice from the professionals who play on the biggest stages.
I recently had a conversation with Franc D’Ambrosio, the actor/singer who was awarded the title of the “Worlds Longest Running Phantom” (Phantom of the Opera).
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Another View on the TSA Full Body Scanner: A Silent Minority Speaks Up
Since Thanksgiving, the debate about TSA scanners has simmered a bit. It’s guaranteed to pick up in the next couple of weeks during the Christmas/New Year’s rush. Missing from the vehement discussions about scanners, privacy and intrusive TSA pat downs, is a multi-million member silent minority – The Metal Body Part Packing Nation who prefer full-body scanners.
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Twitter Posts Tick-off British Airways
One of the cardinal rules that both labor and management profess when negotiations begin on contracts or other issues is: We promise that we won’t negotiate these issues in the press.
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If the Washington Post didn’t hear or see the tree fall, it still may have happened.
Remember the riddle: If a tree falls in the woods and no one was there to see or hear it, how do we know it really fell? The new answer is because of cell phone camera and Facebook and Twitter. Read more
Carrie Prejean – not a good moment for Media Training
Talk about programming and bad media training, Carrie Prejean gave a bad name to a serious craft last week in the interview on the “Larry King Show.” See YouTube Video: Read more
FDA and Social Media
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To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
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Think Before You Tweet
The good news about social media is that it expands our information sources. The bad news is that the lack of editing and filtering can cause repercussions.
Take for example, professional athletes, who have taken up blogging and tweeting. Read more