CommCore Blog and News
Communicating If You Lost Money With Madoff
I guess if you haven’t heard by now from your mutual funds, 401K or pension plans if your money was invested with Bernie Madoff, you’re either in the clear or the fund communications department still has its head in the sand. Read more
Plausible…Or Implausible?…Deniability
Under fire from many quarters since President-elect Obama selected him to deliver the Inaugural Day sermon, the noted Evangelical Rev. Rick Warren has just removed anti-gay language from his Saddleback Church website. Read more
IR and the Larger Communications Picture
The November issue of Update, the publication of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), features an article titled, “Corporate Transparency in the Internet Age.”
Lynn Casey, CEO of communications firm Padilla Spear Beardsley, writes: “Performance first. Read more
How Often Do We Get “Do-Overs?”
The travails of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler before Congress in Washington last week present painful lessons for anyone with a critical presentation.
How often do we get a chance for a “do-over” or make good on a critical business plan or presentation? Read more
Driving the Future
I spent Thanksgiving weekend driving around Washington, DC in a Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell vehicle – no gas, no emissions. It drove like any other car but under the hood was this cool motor, no spark plugs and a tail diffuser (no tail pipe) that just gave off water vapor as the exhaust. Read more
PR Wins: Motrin
The rapid response from McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a Johnson & Johnson Company, to the controversy about the Motrin Mom ads is an example of a PR Win. Earlier this week, the blogosphere reacted swiftly to what mothers felt was an offensive ad. Read more
PR Wins
In an economy of scarce resources, PR, Advertising, and Marketing fight over tight budgets. Justifying programs, activities and ROI becomes even more important for each department.
So who gets credit for success is not to be trivialized. Read more
A or B: Do we appoint the best communicator?
Lawrence Glazer, managing partner of Mayflower Advisors in Boston, commented this week that whoever President-elect Obama picks to run the Treasury Dept., it was critically important that the Secretary be able to communicate clearly and simply about the impact of the ongoing economic predicament and the implications of any new policies. Read more