CommCore Blog and News

A Storyteller’s Take On Corporate Storytelling

Media mogul Peter Guber ought to know about storytelling and succeeding in business. It’s the world he has been operating in most of his professional life.
Guber — chairman of Mandalay Entertainment Group — is the former studio chief of Columbia Pictures, former CEO of Sony Pictures, founder of Polygram Pictures, and founder of Casablanca Records and Filmworks. Read more

Twitter Accountability and Longevity: What’s the Future of Twittering Versus Fact-Checked Journalism?

Twitter doesn’t claim to compete with The New York Times or The Washington Post, but it can have similar influence on – can even be a maker or breaker of – an organization’s or an individual’s reputation. Read more

GM Bankruptcy

If GM could convince drivers to buy cars as well as they communicated this week, the auto maker would come out of bankruptcy quickly.

From CEO Fritz Henderson, to UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, to other executives, to the rank and file, as awful as the bankruptcy filing was this week, GM spokespersons were consistent and united in their statements about a new GM. Read more