CommCore Blog and News

Value vs. Values: Is There Anything We Should Know Before We Pay You A Gazillion Dollars?

A recent article published by Bloomberg used the Tiger Woods fiasco to question the value of celebrity endorsements (

Using celebrities to promote a brand, product or service has been a tried-and-true marketing strategy for decades. Read more

When Tweet Time Becomes Jail Time

It’s probably a first, getting arrested for NOT tweeting. This also falls into the category of: be careful what you wish for, especially if it’s on a social network.

Last week Def Jam record label executive James Roppo tweeted that 15-year-old Canadian pop singer sensation Justin Bieber would be signing autographs at a Long Island, NY mall clothing store. Read more

The Burger King Lie-Detector Ad: Future Communications Shock?

Ad industry tongues are wagging over the much-anticipated TV commercial and live webcast featuring NASCAR racer Tony Stewart. Stewart signed a lucrative contract endorsing Burger King earlier this year. On Oct 20 he will take a live polygraph test to prove that his mouth truly is where the money is – that he likes and eats Burger King hamburgers. Read more