You would think the Professional Golf Association (PGA) has had enough of controversy, what with Tiger this and Tiger that.
So making a tempest out of a teapot would seem to be against the PGA brand’s interest. Read more
You would think the Professional Golf Association (PGA) has had enough of controversy, what with Tiger this and Tiger that.
So making a tempest out of a teapot would seem to be against the PGA brand’s interest. Read more
So far the responses from the Massey Energy Company related to the tragedy at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia play right into the media’s need for winners and losers/victims and villains and will keep the issue in play longer. Read more
The recent spate of negative press and public outrage at investment bank Goldman Sachs’ compensation of its executives and other practices has reached into a new arena: the company’s SEC-mandated financial filings. Read more
In 1982, I was privileged to work with Johnson & Johnson during the first Tylenol crisis. I was asked to prepare CEO James Burke for the critical “60 Minutes” interview that was a key component in communicating the comeback strategy for the brand and the company. Read more
As the recall at Toyota turns from a crisis to a long term saga that impacts the company’s reputation, the company is finally doing many of the right things and trying to avoid missteps. Read more
Toyota’s January 2010 massive recall and sales stoppage of vehicles has been quickly compared to the recall by Johnson & Johnson of Tylenol in 1982.
Most of the similarities are in the enormity of the recall and the proactive nature of the effort. Read more