Carnival Cruise Lines is getting generally high marks for its customer relations and public relations response to the highly-publicized misfortune that befell its “Carnival Splendor” earlier this month. The ship and passengers were stranded at sea for days with no power after an engine room fire, and the vessel had to be towed in to port. Read more
CommCore Blog and News
Communications/Negotiations Lessons from Ted Kheel
“Neutral Sentiment” in Social Media
It may be legal, but is it the right thing to do?
One of the biggest mistakes a professional communicator can make is assume that because he or she is knowledgeable at communications now, or was good at it in the recent past, that that will always be the case. Read more
A New Look at an Old Adage
The old adage says that any publicity, even if it’s bad, is better than no publicity. As adages go, this one has been proven wrong enough times to merit relegation to the dustbin of sound bites. Read more
Social Media and the Corporate Line
Mind The Gap
Sometimes what appear to be the best of marketing ideas — initiated with the best of intentions — boomerang on a company or a product (New Coke, anyone?) The ability to salvage the situation often depends on rapid, transparent and clear communications. Read more
Crisis Planning and Risk Management
In the wake of the deadly gas explosion in San Bruno, CA, CNN interviewed Georgia Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise in order to get a sense of the risks and realities in our utility infrastructure. Read more