CommCore Blog and News

There is no one-size-fits-all media interview

Watching the post-game interviews on the Super Bowl and thinking back on recent media trainings reminded me that there is no such thing as a “typical” media interview. Once we remember that reporters are all different and that their approaches and objectives differ, then it changes the way any spokesperson should prepare.
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Got Leadership Deficiencies? The Remedy is Almost Always Better Communication

Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric was delivering a speech in midtown Manhattan recently and the Q&A that followed covered a variety of relevant business topics. I asked an outlier: “Where would you rank ‘communication skills’ among all that is expected of a great leader?” Read more

The myth of “I do better in the actual speech or presentation than I do in rehearsal.”

For those who don’t like prep sessions, dry runs, murder boards, and mock interviews, here’s a bit of advice from the professionals who play on the biggest stages.
I recently had a conversation with Franc D’Ambrosio, the actor/singer who was awarded the title of the “Worlds Longest Running Phantom” (Phantom of the Opera).
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