CommCore Blog and News

The myth of “I do better in the actual speech or presentation than I do in rehearsal.”

For those who don’t like prep sessions, dry runs, murder boards, and mock interviews, here’s a bit of advice from the professionals who play on the biggest stages.
I recently had a conversation with Franc D’Ambrosio, the actor/singer who was awarded the title of the “Worlds Longest Running Phantom” (Phantom of the Opera).
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Bringing out the passion…

CommCore was privileged to work with the Chevy team on messaging and media training throughout the development of the vehicle up through the launch.
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Is it Any Easier to Restore Trust When You Are Clearly the Victim?

From our point of view, the years-long debate on whether vaccinations cause autism should be coming to an end. Just last week, Ron Winslow of the Wall Street Journal may have put the proverbial nail in the coffin with his article that the evidence has been largely discredited and medical journals like The Lancet and The British Medical Journal have published articles showing the connection as fraudulent. Read more