CommCore Blog and News

Projecting Leadership in 2013: A Communications Challenge

We would bet that a New Year’s resolution for any senior executive is to be a better leader in 2013.  A recent survey by the Center for Talent Innovation provides some hard research that the measure of leadership is more than the results from on-the-job performance – it’s also the appearance of leadership, or what can be called “Executive Presence.” Read more

The NFL’s Evolving Player-Suicide Crisis


This weekend’s tragic murder suicide by Kansas City Chiefs football player Jovan Belcher underscores several linked issues that are increasingly relevant to the National Football League as a whole:


·         As the 4thsuicide among NFL players this year, and the 6th in the past two years, it’s clear the NFL has a growing problem with guns and violence on its hands.
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Super Storm Sandy, the Web and Travel Web Sites

Hurricane Sandy has wreaked havoc on all aspects of life in the North East.  Everyone at CommCore is safe, although we all know someone with significant property damage.

One interesting measure of the storm and social media is how business-like and fact-based transportation companies – airlines, trains and buses — have been in their communications. Read more