CommCore Blog and News

Owning the Room: Take Ownership of Yourself First

Changes at work we recognize:

·     You have been promoted to a position of authority after years as a behind-the-scenes worker bee


·     You have switched jobs as a manager at a non-profit with a laid back atmosphere to a leadership role at a fast-paced corporation


·     Your boss – who usually runs staff meetings and makes decisions – is absent and for the first time and has tapped you to take his or her place in charge


How well you handle such changes requires changing how you are perceived by others.
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Part 2 of 2: Crisis and Social Media Insights Q&A by Melissa Agnes

CommCore has asked top Communication Experts on their insights on Crisis and Social Media. Below you will find our first guest post by Melissa Agnes. If you would like to be considered to share your insight on future posts, please let us know.
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What Pasta Will You Buy This Week?

Barilla Pasta’s crisis whirlwind started with a comment in Italy (probably in Italian). Within days it became a trending hashtag on Twitter and Facebook, a global electronic boycott, spoof commercial ads on YouTube and Vine, and now Ad wars with competitors like Bertolli being shared on Instagram and across the Internet. Read more