CommCore Blog and News

Welcome Anna Walker to our NY office

Three words you would use to describe yourself…Awalker

Outgoing, Energetic and Enthusiastic.

What are you most passionate or inspired by…

I am most inspired by my best friend. She is a spiritual and bright person. Read more

CommCore Teaming Quarterly Vol 1

In this issue: 
Crisis Communications Tips
CommCore Quoted
Communications Training Partner You Need

The 3 Fs of Crisis Communications: 
A Tipsheet for Federal Contractors

United Airlines, Wells Fargo, Volkswagen and Uber are private sector examples of crisis and reputation issues that have erupted this year.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: Ploy or the Real Deal?

By: Megan Ward

The latest annual study by the Harris Poll Reputation Quotient concludes that consumers are evenly split on how they feel about companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs.

Key findings:

  • About 45% of consumers believe companies develop CSR programs because they genuinely care about doing what is right for their customers and employees, and for society at-large
  • However, 40% of consumers believe that businesses engage in CSR programs simply as a public relations tactic to enhance their public image and increase revenue
  • Proper treatment of employees and customers, as well as corporate ethical behavior, are the two most important factors that consumers look at when gauging if a company is truly committed to CSR
  • Only eight out of 100 companies achieved the poll’s “excellent” CSR rating; that’s the highest number ever
  • Some of the lowest ranking companies had recent public scandals.
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