CommCore Blog and News

SVP Nick Peters quoted in CNN Money article on CEO’s response to Trump’s immigration border policy

The images from the warehouses and tent camps along the Southern Texas border where thousands of immigrant children have been detained after being separated from their parents are powerful. Now, top executives and CEOs of American companies such as Apple, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and others are condemning the Trump administration’s policy. Read more

Media Training 101: Tips for Meeting the Press

Meeting the press and giving interviews can make even the most seasoned communicator nervous, which is why media training is a must for everyone in the public eye these days. Whether you’re introducing a new product with a follow-up Q&A, attending a conference, on-live TV, or taking part in a satellite media tour – you’ll always need to be prepared to address the press. Read more

Media Training 101: Tips for Meeting the Press

Meeting the press and giving interviews can make even the most seasoned communicator nervous, which is why media training is a must for everyone in the public eye these days. Whether you’re introducing a new product with a follow-up Q&A, attending a conference, on-live TV, or taking part in a satellite media tour – you’ll always need to be prepared to address the press. Read more

Meet our new Summer intern Elexis Hipp

CommCore welcomes  intern Elexis Hipp to the team this summer! Elexis is a senior at American University majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communications, with a minor in History. Read more below to get to know her.  Read more

CEO Andy Gilman quoted in PR News on GDPR Crisis Planning

With all of the large-scale cyber attacks over the last few years, CommCore CEO Andy Gilman was recently quoted in the PR News article, “A 5-Step GDPR Crisis Plan” about how to create a crisis communications plan ahead of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline at the end of May and in the event of a dreaded data breach. Read more