CommCore Blog and News

Communicating About Safety in Unsafe Times

Be honest: When was the last time you read the safety card in the airplane seat pocket, reviewed the office evacuation wall chart, or even looked at where the exit signs are in a bar or theater? Read more

Inappropriate Workplace Behavior Leads to a PR Crisis for Google and NBC News

Both Google and NBC News came under fire this week for their handling of inappropriate workplace behavior thus offering contrasting examples of how to handle a PR crisis. In the article, “PR Lessons from Google’s and NBC’s Contrasting Crisis Responses,” CEO Andy Gilman offers his advice for the two companies. Read more

Corporate Activism: CEOs Are Stepping Out

For decades, conventional wisdom for corporate CEOs was to steer clear of controversial issues and politics. Why risk alienating your customer base and shareholders?

No longer. Driven by activist investors, advocacy social media campaigns, a more diverse workforce, and a polarized national political and social atmosphere, CEO activism is on the riseRead more

Welcome our fall intern Eduardo!

CommCore welcomes Eduardo Umana our fall intern! Eduardo is currently enrolled at the University of Maryland College Park. Learn more about him in our blog.

Three words you would use to describe yourself…

Analytical, charismatic, and perseverant. Read more