CommCore Blog and News

Welcome our fall intern, Andrew!

CommCore welcomes Andrew Nash as our fall intern. Andrew is an undergraduate student at Stockton University, studying Communications and Media Studies.

What are three words you would use to best describe yourself? Read more

Virtual is here to stay, so make the best of it

Working through the pandemic reminds us of the impatient kids in the backseat of the car on a long road trip screaming: “Are we there yet?’ Are we there yet?”

Yes, we are there yet – for the foreseeable future – in the virtual work world. Read more

CEO Andrew Gilman Quoted in PR News

CommCore CEO Andrew Gilman was recently quoted in an article published in PR News, Kodak Pivots from Photo to Pharma, where he provides commentary on Kodak’s new business move.

Andy Gilman, president and CEO of CommCore Consulting Group, says Kodak can prepare for choppy waters by foreseeing probable lines of inquiry from stakeholders. Read more