CommCore Blog and News
Countering Cyber-Insecurity
Cybersecurity Hall of Fame member Gene “Spaf” Spafford has said, “The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.” Read more
How A Tweet Knocked New Balance Off Balance
New Balance shoes is the latest unfortunate victim of the “be careful what you say getting taken out of context” syndrome, aka what happens when your mainstream media interview collides with social media. Read more
Wells Fargo’s Crisis Response: Could the Debacle Have Been Prevented?
The missteps in Wells Fargo’s fraud scandal response are well documented. As crisis consultants, our clients are asking us: Could this now chronic crisis have been prevented?
Yes and no. At least a more in-tune management could have kept this from getting worse:
- When employee letters citing fraud – one dating back to 2007 — and a petition from 2014 signed by thousands of employees complaining about draconian sales quotas are sent to management, don’t dismiss them.
Twin Towers Product Promos Spell Double Trouble
- After furious protests on social media, Wal-Mart publicly apologized for a display at a Florida store in which twin towers of Coke Zero packages promoted a sale under a “Never Forget” banner and against a backdrop of red, white and blue Coca Cola products.
“All Quiet” Is Only Good in the Library
Who doesn’t remember being shushed by the school librarian? Too much noise in the library is disruptive, but if you’re stuck at an airport or waiting to watch a football game, you want noise… a constant flow of information. Read more
“Prompts for the TelePrompTer”
Is Your Crisis Plan Updated for Cyber?
- Breaches rose from 783 to 3,930
- Records exposed jumped from 85 million to 736 million
- Estimated financial losses from compromised records leaped from $400 million to $14.9 billion
Asking “How did we do?” helps Texas improve crisis response from Ebola to Zika
- Bungled protocols at Texas Presbyterian Hospital, site of the original infection
- Conflicting public messages from hospital, county, state and federal government authorities
- Lack of overall preparedness and coordination
The Washington Metro Shutdown: “Safety First” was the Message
- Safety first
- He is ready to take whatever actions are required to safeguard the public and salvage the crumbling system regardless of the consequences