The Challenge: Public perception of the “snack and soda” world – particularly among health policy experts and regulators is a challenge for companies making “treats” and palate-satisfying food and beverages.
The Strategy: First, develop and test messages that would resonate with stakeholders about the portfolio approach to the food and beverage line-up that includes several “healthy” brands. Second, create a cadre of senior spokespersons to serve as Ambassadors for the company, its approach and its commitment to healthy living, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Working with a “best of breed” consortium of agencies, messages and training needed to be customized for local markets and different regulatory environments. The Ambassadors were placed in thought leader discussion forums for presentations, panel discussion, media interviews and public conversations. CommCore’s solution focused on:
The Results: Senior management developed an “esprit de corps” and consistency of messaging across the whole company, not just product and division messages. Engagement with “opponents” created a more balanced view of the company and how snacks fit in with an overall balanced diet. Company R&D and CSR efforts gain additional exposure.