CommCore Blog and News

5 Reasons Why YOU Need Media Training

The benefits of media training are many, but unfortunately many people wait until they make a major public gaffe to get media-trained.

Have you ever been in a media interview with a journalist and found yourself:

  • Less punch or quotable than you want to be?
  • Not knowing the best way to say “no comment” when you don’t want to answer a question?
  • Doing a facepalm because you forgot to deliver your key message or story?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you need media training.

It’s important to keep in mind that when you are being interviewed by a journalist or blogger, they will only use a small percentage of the actual interview, and only one or two quotes. One of the biggest benefits of media training is that, through our proven prep methods, you can quickly become a reliable and effective spokesperson for your organization. Media training teaches you a formulaic approach to tailoring and communicating your message to an intended audience, and helps you get the right message across, every time.

Top 5 Benefits of a CommCore Media Training:

  1. Learn how to develop a quotable message, a.k.a., “sound bite” that will be quoted
  2. Respond better to challenging Q&A utilizing the Bridging Technique
  3. Avoid reporter tricks and traps that can lead to being misquoted
  4. Learn how to work with all types of media—print, video and social media
  5. Develop relationships with reporters so they will call you back

The biggest benefit of media training: a successful interview, good PR for your organization and additional opportunities for increased media exposure.

Make Sure Your Media Message is On-Point. Learn More About CommCore’s Media Training Services

Urgent Need? We’re Standing By

We staff the phones 24-7 and can put you in touch with the right person to help with your specific media challenge.

To schedule a training or get answers quickly, call us at (202) 659-4177 or email

We can provide media training, urgently needed advice, and a proposal to help going basis.

Learn More About the Benefits of Media Training: